Lining Paper: Why am I doing this?

A student recently posted a photo of herself applying lining paper: It’s like wallpaper, but with no print or texture, and it runs side to side across the wall. (Horizontally, not vertically.) She wondered why she was doing it.

Australian buildings are well made, so the walls rarely crack, and the plastering system is good, so they aren’t bumpy. We don’t really need lining paper these days in Australia.

However, we follow every standard set by the Education Department’s “Training Package” to make sure nobody can ever challenge our qualifications.

Given that lining paper isn’t available locally, we go the extra mile to source it. We have to air freight the lining paper from London. Each shipment arrives with the King’s “Royal Warrant” stamp, confirming its premium quality. The box is marked GTW: Gatwick Airport, so it’s travelled a long way! By going through this process, we’re showing our students what it means to be dedicated and professional.

Some may think that we are wasting our time and energy when applying lining paper. However, we believe that this makes our Painting & Decorating students exceptional. It teaches them precision and attention to detail—skills that are very important in the real world. When they finish the course, they don’t just walk away with a qualification, they leave as confident decorators ready to tackle anything that comes their way!

At Academique, no compromise means a commitment to excellence—one that we proudly uphold every day.